On 4 July 2018, the UN Human Rights Council adopts a new Resolution (A/HRC/38/L.10/Rev.1) on the promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet, which highlights online freedom of expression and privacy and recognizes UNESCO’s ongoing process of developing Internet Universality indicators, which contributes to advancing online human rights and achieving

Dec 18, 2019 · As stated by the UN Human Rights Council in 2012 and reaffirmed since, people should enjoy the same protections of these rights whether in online or offline contexts. As such, Internet shutdowns, in particular those that disable all means of communications, should be considered as potential Human Rights violations. The resolution indicates the importance of "applying a comprehensive human rights-based approach when providing and expanding access to the internet and for the internet to be open, accessible and The promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet The Human Rights Council, Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, Reaffirming the human rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and relevant international human rights treaties, including the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said it is essential that governments introducing measures to impede the spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19, undertake a range of additional actions to reduce the potentially negative impact such measures may have on people's lives. The UN Human Rights Office for South-East Asia urged Myanmar’s Government today to end an internet shutdown in Rakhine and Chin States that has been imposed for a year, warning the unprecedented

The Special Rapporteur remains concerned that legitimate online expression is being criminalized in contravention of States' international human rights obligations, whether it is through the application of existing criminal laws to online expression, or through the creation of new laws specifically designed to criminalize expression on the Internet.

Internet human rights United Nations technology politics. 137. 83. Image: Shutterstock. People may joke that others spend too much time on the internet, but this intricate series of tubes has A number of human rights have been identified as relevant with regard to the Internet. These include freedom of expression, privacy and freedom of association. Furthermore, the right to education and multilingualism, consumer rights, and capacity building in the context of the right to development have also been identified. Jul 17, 2013 · The UN-based internet governance forum and US-based ICANN are two venues where human rights advocacy has been making more, or less headway. Often dismissed as pie-in-the-sky thinking, global

The recognition by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council in 2010 of a human right to safe drinking water and sanitation has propelled awareness of the global

Jul 26, 2012 · UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Internet and Human Rights a Step in the Right Direction Share It Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Copy link Earlier this month, the 47 member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council passed a landmark Resolution (A/HRC/20/L.13) to include the “promotion, protection, and enjoyment of human